
Q31.What might be within a 5km radius of where you live?

In a world where smell is our strongest sense, leaders are demographically representative of their whole community and we value celebrity.


We can live close to others, to amenities and to nature.

How populus might your area be? What might you need to have nearby? What kind of place might you choose or have to live in?



Discuss, draw or describe whatever it is you're imagining. The more you make your ideas tangible, the easier it is to start to speculate about and imagine more complex alternatives like what new ways of life might be like.

You can upload your ideas below to help inspire and challenge other people's imaginations.

Imagining and creating the future needs us all to get involved.

    Imagining Future Spaces is a project by Natalie Harney designed to support and inspire conversations about what alternative worlds might look and feel like.

    ©Natalie Harney 2020, made with Semplice